800 3rd Ave Canmore

Vision & Emerging Concept
For over two years, the Owners of this land parcel have had a dialogue with the Town over the future of their lands in South Canmore.
The Proposed Concept was created in collaboration with the Town of Canmore planning department. The current Proposed Concept represents the coordinated efforts and work of Registered, Professional Biologists, Engineers, Planners, Architects, and most importantly, the landowners and the Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley. Conversations also occurred with environmental groups. The Proposed Concept has evolved through these discussions.
A Community Partnership
Palliative Care In The Bow Valley
The Proposed Concept aligns well with the economic and social objectives of the Town of Canmore because of the nature of the services the hospice will provide. According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information report, Canadian Access to Palliative Care in Canada, people who receive palliative care earlier are less likely to visit emergency departments frequently or receive aggressive treatment at the end of life.

This site is private land, and a substantially sized 8.64 ha (21 ac) parcel with a history of grazing. By comparison, this land area is about 1/3 the size of Spring Creek Mountain Village situated to the north of the property.
The land is a fire-disturbed landscape currently vegetated with native species that comprise of four distinct ecosystem types.
Ultimately, the Proposed Concept is anticipated to result in a net positive benefit once offsetting is complete.
Highlights & Benefits
The Proposed Concept builds a modest, low impact residential development in one of the only areas in Canmore designated as “Future Development District”.
The landowners are choosing less density in an area that could support significantly more development similar to Spring Creek Mountain Village to the north of its boundaries.

Land Use & Policy Alignment
The property is a privately owned parcel of land with a history of livestock grazing.
Two actions are required to develop the modest, low impact project on the current site – Two Municipal Development Plan Amendments and a Land Use Bylaw Amendment. We are proposing a Direct Control District for the site.